January 30, 2021

GameStop’s wallstreetbets Project Kickoff

User Jeffamazon , 4 months ago on reddit.com:

You know Citadel? The MM that took all our money today? Well now we finally won’t be at the mercy of the MMs. Instead, we’re going to temporarily join forces with the Galactic Empire and hijack the death star.

Our choice of weapon… $GME.

This story is complex and has many angles, but what interest me is the clarity of the initial post, and the update a month later.

The posts was mix and match of many ideas at the time — the poster even says so — but as kick off document it has everything:

  • Intent
  • Objective
  • Reason to believe
  • Timeline
  • Risk contingency (what could go wrong)

And it closes with a direct association to make the concept stick:

TL;DR: $GME is vastly oversold.

GME is TSLA one year ago. GME is AAPL in 2017. Add to that the greatest short burn you’ll see in history, and you’re in for a hell of a show.


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