March 23, 2016

On the multifaceted characteristics of cold showers

Cold showers are terrible. Scratch that, cold showers are an abomination. Why did we leave our comfortable urban environment for these infra-human conditions? Experiencing nature my freezing behind.

I may be losing the feeling of my arms, because it’s suddenly not so bad. More like the second drill at the dentist — when the numbness hides the pain and you’re kinda happy it’s closer to the end.

There’s a certain feeling of accomplishment when you go all in. A victory of mind over cold liquid matter. I’ve also managed to conceal my high-pitch noises enough to make them sound like coughs. Victory is mine.

I twist and turn. No more hiding. I’ve embraced my environment and are now free. Let water be water, its temperature has transcended meaning.

I am one with nature. I’ve saved water, electricity and improved my health. This is the way to treat the temple of the body.

But I’m sure as hell not showering tomorrow morning.

Travel humor