March 6, 2016

There probably is an email somehow related to all personal and profesional milestones in my life since 1995. Thank you Ray Tomlinson.

If you installed Transmission BitTorrent client this past week, you should check the How to Protect Yourself in this post.

A $30k Tesla Model 3 on Marth 31st is something I look forward to with less philosofical interest than the Model X.

All is not well in Bitcoin land. But it looks like it’s going to continue to get worse.

A billion is not what it used to be. Still, a chart about how long 12 apps with a billion active users took to get there is fascinating.

Tried Google Maps pit stops today. It’s where have you been all my life? kinda good.


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Creativity, Inc.Β by Ed Catmull Recommended βœ“ Finally finished listening to Creativity, Inc.: Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration by Ed Catmull
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On Relevant News (or Being News Relevant) As I browsed around the web to collect some links to continue on the 3 day streak of linkblogging β€” the question of why? broke through the back of