May 31, 2016

On writing everyday — in May

Managed to post something everyday this month. I started with post calendar, but after a week it again became a last minute sprint at the end of the day.

Last week I had decided that after today’s post I was going to change strategy from posting everyday to writing everyday. Which would allow for some better quality, and a bit more developed ideas. But I changed my mind today.

I still don’t have a writing habit. It’s only when I check the blog after posting that I get the endorphin rush. So I’m going to try to keep the writing streak one more month.

This month I’m go to try to do more commentary on the news. Basically striving to be a passable copycat of Seth Godin style1. Also will try to do more quick snippets posts — which I visualize as anything that would have been a few tweets together.

In case, thanks for reading and hope you tag along a bit more.

  1. Which is appropriate, since it was his comments about blogging on the Tim Ferris podcast that made started me writing again↩︎
