Tidbits of the week
→ Amazon Prime Ad — Priest and Imam In a world that feels more like an episode of 24 rather than West Wing, I appreciate this ad.
→ Eero’s WiFi hubs get faster, smarter and now support Alexa My apartment is perfectly covered by our ASUS router, but I dream of the day I’ll need one of these new mesh ones.
→ Apple Will Replace iPhone 6s Batteries in Phones That Unexpectedly Shut Down My 6s suffered from shut downs — seemed to happen under heavy loads. Should have taken it in at the time.
→ Apple Abandons Development of Wireless Routers Sadly unsurprising. I undestand the economics behind this, but I still think it’s a strategic risk: Apple’s home automation solution will have less leverage.
→ Apple - Frankie’s Holiday Awww Apple, I can’t stay mad at you.
→ Worldwide Market for Used Smartphones Forecast to Grow to 222.6 Million Units in 2020, According to IDC Always take these with a greain of salt, but it does sound like the normal progression of mass market products.
→ Microsoft brings Solitaire to iOS and Android And now it’s official… the desktop is dead.
→ Alter — Turn text into an image. Useful for Twitter and even email code examples.
→ Giki is a Markdown-powered Wiki Wiki and markdown? What sort of sexy talk is this?