September 23, 2018

Home (folders) Improvements

Growing up, I remember my dad usually having some sort of home improvement project over the weekend: fixing the ice machine, clogged shower head, or even replacing some plumbing.

Since I’m a old millennial that always rents, my projects at most involves hanging a shelf. But, on the digital world, I’ve also be slacking on my home front.

Some improvements I’m thinking of:

  • Fixing Ana’s photo workflow
  • Organizing our 1Password vaults content and permission
  • Setting up a local backup drive (again)
  • Moving my Arq backups from Dropbox to Backblaze B2

As I write, many more come to mind. But the actual list is not that important, it’s knowing that there’s an improvement project that needs to happen — rather than refreshing tweetbot yet again.

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Measure it yourself Measure twice and cut once sounds great, but it usually runs against the more realistic perfect is the enemy of good. However, you should never jump