August 19, 2019

On the Contents Page and Pages of Content

Receiving a Wired Magazine in the late 90’s provided with hours of restrained entertainment. Starting with the ritual inspecting every page from start to finish — regardless of the article from the cover that had piqued my interest.

Physical magazines have an index, but its UX doesn’t require you to choose an article to get started. The experience invites browsing.

This mindset is missing from the a la carte on-demand infinite availability nowadays. Even when casually reading newsletters, I get an urge to unsubscribe to most of them because many weren’t exactly what I wanted to read at that moment — which is a weird anxiety for something that is not work.

By just switching view modes — from an inbox overview to advancing from within each newsletter to the next — I felt the anxiety of the paradox of choice melt away, and enjoyment of fun time wasting reappear.