June 13, 2020

Scammy Commercial Hackintosh Announced

Hartley Charlton, on macrumors.com:

On its website, OpenCore Computer claims that it hopes to make Mac Pro-style workstations more accessible. The company’s lineup of computers, which they call zero-compromise Hackintoshes,” are advertised as coming with macOS Catalina and Windows 10 Pro pre-installed.

Although probably a scam, it makes little sense to expose yourself to litigation this openly. As this commenter points out:

It would be one thing if a company was selling computers without an OS and advertised it as 100% Hackintosh Capable”. But to actually include MacOS is just begging for Apple’s lawyers to notice you.

I’d love to see some basic systems ready to hackintosh. With the work - and added value - of setting up the OpenCore compatible componentes to minimize your hackintosh pain of setting up.
