June 9, 2020

Quotebacks Blogging Quote Tool

Tom Critchlow and Toby Shorin on quotebacks.net:

Quotebacks is a tool that makes it easy to grab snippets of text from around the web and convert them into embeddable blockquote web components.

Love everything about this concept. The Chrome extensions works great, the design is extremely functional, and thereā€™s no central serverā€‰ā€”ā€‰just the style JS, but thatā€™s hardly a lock-in.

Quotes look extremely clean:

First and foremost, quoting gives context, helping readers see where an author is coming from. Quotes and citations are an important part in making and remembering history. And looking looking towards the future, they allow us to better see, understand, and build on the vast graph of human knowledgeā€”the original ā€œwebā€ā€”that other, greater internet of which this one is just part.

But you can also copy as markdown:

Secondly, quoting another person can be generous. Generous quoting can mean raising anotherā€™s voice alongside your own, affirming their authorship, and striving to not take them out of context. One can quote generously, no matter whether one is agreeing or disagreeing with another author.

Source: Quotebacks by Tom Critchlow and Toby Shorin

Currently itā€™s a Chrome only, with Firefox coming soon. Iā€™m hoping for a bookmarklet so it can be used on Safari and iOS.

Regardless, Iā€™m very excited about the vision of this project and will be playing with it over the next few days.
