October 8, 2022

Not Going Away

The Twitter sale news circus is making me pause more, not because I care about Twitter — really don’t anymore — but because of the announcement 2022-10-07 mastodon.technology Instance Will Shutdown instance is going away.

Mind you, this is exactly why Federated networks are great. The implication is just a few minutes of exporting, and a lot more minutes of finding another instance. But, the little voice at the back of my head which tells me:

While the tech is great, it won’t catch on because it can’t scale.

I played with Mastodon hosting earlier in the year, with the idea of replacing a Slack group — but that failed miserably. So then, if the tech doesn’t scale, and the 2022-04-15 Mastonaut Mastodon Mac Client is Now Open-Source Free… is it a case of Much Ado About Nothing?
