April 26, 2023

Flipboard Editorial Desks on Mastodon

Carl Sullivan, on Flipboard:

Flipboard editors bring their curation skills to Mastodon with four editorial accounts. Not bots, each of these Desks is staffed by professional curators with expertise in discovering and elevating the best content. We’re focusing on explainers and analysis — more the why” and how” than the who,” what” and where.”

Great move by Flipboard. If I didn’t need fewer rabbit holes, I’d download again1.

We’re not trying to replicate all the breaking news services out there, including many bot accounts already on Mastodon. We also don’t want to flood your feed with a kajillion posts. Instead our goal is to give people on Mastodon context for what’s happening in the world.

I subscribed last week to News Desk and Tech Desk, and I haven’t been overwhelmed and no click-baiting. If you’re on Mastodon, recommended follows.

  1. Maybe I’ll do a cleanup a replace other apps (Narwhal, Axios, Hacker Feed) that lead me to scrolling hell.↩︎
