Clean macOS Required Apps
A team member just moved from an IBM Linux laptop to an MacBook Air M2. Sent him the following email of my must have apps to get started.
Rectangle: macOS window management using keyboard shortcuts or snap areas
Raycast: keyboard launcher with lots of features/extensions. The ones I use:
Velja: open links in a specific browser or a matching native app. Easily switch between browsers.
Hidden Bar: hide menu bar items to give your Mac a cleaner look.
Hyperkey: convert the caps lock key or any modifier key (I use right ⌘) to the hyper key (all four modifiers combined: ⌃⌥⌘⇧).
Microsoft 365 from Mac App Store: You’ll likely need MS stuff, save yourself from AutoUpdate hell and use the Mac App Store versions as much as possible.
Edit: forgot two important ones:
Mac Mouse Fix: use trackpad features like smooth scrolling and gestures with any mouse.
Maestral: lightweight Dropbox client with just enough features.