March 5, 2024

Kagi Now Uses Wolfram Alpha

Vladimir Prelovac, on

To further enhance our search capabilities and address the issue of potentially misleading AI-generated answers, we have partnered with Wolfram|Alpha, a well-respected computational knowledge engine. By integrating Wolfram Alpha’s extensive knowledge base and robust algorithms into Kagi’s search platform, we aim to deliver more precise, reliable, and comprehensive search results to our users.

This is great news. Kagi keeps getting better, and is now my default search on the desktop. I’d be more bullish it weren’t with how much I now user Arc Search on iOS. Not sure what search will look like in year at this point.

In addition, we are very pleased to welcome Stephen Wolfram to Kagi’s board of advisors.

Someone I’d love to have on my board of advisors without a doubt.
