New Mac USB-C Accessories Will Break My Heart
Mark Gurman on X (formerly Twitter), on
In line with what I’ve been reporting for a while, Apple will very soon launch its new Macs. There should be some hands-ons outside of Cupertino and online video. I expect the M4 iMac, MacBook Pro, revamped Mac mini and USB-C accessories.
My dreams are about to be shattered. For years I’d hopped that the Apple Silicon related update of the Magic Mouse, Trackpad and Keyboard would re-think some of the minimalist choices from the past. Why not? MacBook Pro’s are now thicker, have SD-Card reader and their keyboards (gasps!) have key travel.

While I’m an eternal optimist — the recent AirPods Max USB-C has brought doubt to my soul: could it be that the only update input devices will get would be a new port? I know the answer in my heart… and it’s yes.
I still dare to dream of an ergonomic mouse that is not painful to hold, or an asymmetrical Magic Keyboard with sane arrow keys. Or just laugh at my aesthetics preference and just put Touch ID to the same designs — I mean, they do already have Touch in the name. But none of this shall happen. The rule of Ive is strong, and the Cook doctrine doesn’t recognize accessories as products in their line-up.
But wait! What about a simple Touch ID mini-pad ? That surely make sense as delightful one-more-thing alongside the Mac mini revamp announcement? But Steve Jobs is dead my friends, and with him these sort of product mischief.