FindMy Friend

For the first time since I can remember, I’m not looking forward to the next Apple event or announcement. Two months ago today, I unexpectedly lost one of my best friends. One of those friends that you call brother and mean it. In all honesty, his passing has broken something.
I’m shielded from reality since we live in different countries. I’m still clinging to the hope that we just haven’t talked for too long. But soon, on the next Apple announcement, I’ll get a voice note saying “So, what do you think?”, and everything will be alright. It’s important to note that Alonso’s voice notes were the only ones I had to hear at 1x. As with everything about him, his regular speed was just faster.
He was smarter than me, funnier than me, larger than me, both physically and in presence. Nonch had a Graphite iBook just around college — probably the first one I ever saw. He was cool like that. He was the center of things. The driver of plans. The sweetest force of nature that ever was. The one that always called.
Soon a new iThingy will be announced, and we won’t message about it. And I’ll know for sure. He’s gone.