July 26, 2009

Episode IV: A new blog engine

I have the same problem with my Web sites as I have with my Moleskines. Whenever I get a new one I spend hours setting it up. Making sure everything fits perfectly and looks great. But then, I open it, and draw a blank. Nothing I write is up to standards for the site. So then, I procrastinate the next blog post, get frustrated and eventually leave it at that.

Acquired taste for writing

If it doesnā€™t come naturally, and Iā€™m not that good at it, why do it?

I have a confession to make: I didnā€™t particularly like Radioheadā€™s OK Computer the first time I heard it. It has since become my favorite CD. But when I first heard it, it was too complex. I knew this was because I was too used to commercial rhythms. Before that I had rebelled against my classmates love for Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Guns and Roses by becoming a reggae fan1 (I know, I know). Point is, I understood that there was something beyond the 4/4 time and basic chords. So I listened to it again. And again. By the end of the week, I liked it. By the end of the month, loved it. A year later, I was enjoying my dadā€™s Pink Floydā€™s CDā€™s.

I need to believe that good writing is the same way. Itā€™s complex and not easy initially. But if you stick to it for a while it will grow on you. Because itā€™s what you want to happen.

Are you talking to me?

After listening to Merlin Mann and John Gruber podcast about blogging, it became very obvious that I also didnā€™t have an ideal reader in mind. Most of the time I just try to write something that mimics what some of the bloggers I look up to have already written. Which very quickly leads to disappointment because they have already done it (written about it, commented, etc) in a much more elegant way.

The format

The easiest and most fun way to blog for me is the tumblelog. Where you either link or quote, and then comment. But itā€™s difficult to consider it writing. It also is arguable how useful these links are, especially with sites that make it easy for popular stuff to float to the front-page like Techmeme, Reddit and Digg. Most likely I wonā€™t be able to contain myself and post links regularly. But I wonā€™t consider this writing.

This time itā€™s personal

Iā€™m going to keep the focus on tech and tools. It is what Iā€™m passionate about, and either way, Iā€™m still thinking about it all the time. What Iā€™m going to change, is my idea of the target reader. Iā€™m going to concentrate in thinking about people I know (@federicoa, @carlosmherrera, @navjotpawera). Hopefully this will help keep my feet on the ground regarding topics, depth and insights that are expected.

The tool

If there is something about the new site that Iā€™m happy with, itā€™s the new engine behind it. Iā€™m using Jekyll (Update: the blog is now hosted on tumblr, feel free to laugh at me). For the reader, the only difference is that the site should now load super fast. Thatā€™s because itā€™s a static web site with a bunch of html files2. The site is generated on my Macs3 with a command line tool and I then rsync it to my server. The whole process is geeky, straight forward, and once setup: completely uninstrusive for concentrating on content. Iā€™m writing this post on TextMate using Markdown, the date-stamp and the link come from the name I give the file.

Well, letā€™s see how it works out this time around. Fourth time is the charm, they say.

  1. For this reason my tolerance for UB40 is almost none nowadays. ā†©ļøŽ

  2. Of course, it is also much smaller on the server. The same amount of content took about 90% less space than Wordpress. Itā€™s true that I have 90% less features, but I was not using any of it. ā†©ļøŽ

  3. I have the folder for the site on Dropbox which lets work on the ā€œlocalā€ site, exactly the same way from home or the office. ā†©ļøŽ
