July 25, 2016

Seveneves (880 pages) ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…

Seveneves by Neal Stephenson

I stayed late every night this weekend finishing the last third of Seveneves. Although being tired on a Monday is not a great productivity plan, it was worth it.

Neal Stephenson books have been hit and miss for me. I loved Cryptonomicon 1, enjoyed Snow Crash, and have abandoned Quicksilver twice. So his sometimes dense writing is not an instant win with me. I think he may have dialed down in Seveneves, or maybe I was thirsty for some complex sci-fi.

Seveneves is basically three books in one ā€” or more accurately, a trilogy in one book. This is not only in length (itā€™s 881 pages long) but in structure: you get 3 good sci-fi books that together make a great one. Thereā€™s 1) a disaster sci-fi, 2) near-future space sci-fi, and 3) far-future space sci-fi.

As usual with Stephenson, his sci-fi is heavy on the Science. But unlike some of his recent books, you can skim a little if you get bored with the engineering advanced course, and not miss a critical plot point. I was surprised of how few times I took shortcuts on Seveneves ā€” maybe like Cryptonomicon and cryptography, my interest in Seveneves space travel backdrop helped me not loose my attention. YMMV.

If you liked Cryptonomicon and enjoy sci-fi, read Seveneves. It has all the ingredients of classical sci-fi I love: epic story, characters with dimension, open questions that force you to think a bit, and wonders of technology that seem like magic but are explained.

  1. Among the few books Iā€™ve re-readā†©ļøŽ

July 20, 2016

Trello scrum board labels

Trello Scrum LabelsTrello Scrum Labels

When youā€™re in charge of a team board, you usually get a chance to set the rules for your domain. Iā€™ve struggled a bit with labels, since thereā€™s a tendency to make them very specific. This is counter-productive because it becomes more difficult in active boards to group tasks via filters.

After a few projects, Iā€™ve narrowed down my list of default labels to:

  • Feature
  • Urgent
  • Bug
  • Blocker
  • Improvement
  • FrontEnd
  • BackEnd

Although Trello sorts them by color, they are somewhat related to each other:

  1. Type of Task: Featureā€Š/ā€ŠBugā€Š/ā€ŠImprovement. Shouldnā€™t be more than one. Labelling tasks correctly will help in sprint planning if you want to balance a release among the three kind of tasks, or if you want to focus in a specific one.

  2. Level of importance: Urgentā€Š/ā€ŠBlocker. Most tasks should have neither. Urgent is top-down red flag. Blocker is typically a bottom-up signal. Both of them at the same timeā€¦ itā€™s a fire.

  3. Layer: FrontEndā€Š/ā€ŠBackEnd. The separation is a bit arbitrary and itā€™s mostly to have an idea which team the task involves. Itā€™s possible to also involve both, but shouldnā€™t be that common.

Remember: A task/card should not have more than three labels. If thatā€™s the case you actually have more than 1 tasks, and should split them up for clarity.

Productivity Trello Scrum
July 19, 2016

The One Big Thingā€Š/ā€Š1-3-5 task list

I had forgotten where I had seen this tweet, and had been looking for it:

Not earth-shaterring, but powerful in its simplicity. Iā€™m all over the place right now with my productivity organization, but have been gravitating towards Trello as my repository of tasks ā€” with a post-it note with what needs to be done for each day.

As usual, Iā€™m a sucker for some sort of frameworkā€¦ so will giving this a try for a few days. And of course, thereā€™s an app for it.

July 15, 2016

Palette and colors links

I usually hide my lack of fashion sense and design skills with simple greyscale colors ā€” black is always the new black.

But for those times that you must add some colors, here are my kaleidoscope web tools:

  • Palettable: when you donā€™t what youā€™re looking for.

  • Color Hunt: when you need a quick solution.

  • Color Supply: when you are ready to go down a color rabbit hole.

  • Adobe Kuler: when youā€™re almost there.

Web Design Tools Links
July 14, 2016

A summer project: ColofĆ³n Podcast

ColofĆ³n ArtworkColofĆ³n Artwork

On Tuesday I published the first episode of ColofĆ³n ā€” a new interview podcast in spanish about setups and general getting things done ā€™ness.

Since we stopped recording Ʊerds, Iā€™ve felt a lack of geek creed. Or maybe it was a lack of geek creativity. ColofĆ³n is my attempt to get out of my comfort zone, both personally and ability wise, and create something during the summer slowdown.

Hope everyone subscribes and gives it a try1, I really enjoyed the first episode with Mauricio, and Iā€™m excited about the ones lined up:

  1. Donā€™t worry if you understand spanish, itā€™s still a good listen.ā†©ļøŽ

Colophon Podcast
June 30, 2016

Last call for Evernote

Evernote announced this week more limitations to its Basic plan, and increased prices for Plus and Premium.

This was expected. Even with the annoying main screen customization restrictions, the Basic account provided little incentives for many to upgrade. The loss of OCR on the Plus plan ($3.99/month) stings a bit, since Premium goes up to $7.99/month.

I have a soft spot for Evernote. I started using it on Windows on my first job in 2004, and it was installed in all my computers (later devices) ever since. The feature creep made me try the Apple Notes last year ā€” and I havenā€™t switched back.

At the same time, Google Keep continues to improve1. Its OCR is as good as Evernote ever was, and the design is cleaner.

Hereā€™s hoping this is a one-two punch: price increase now, and after the noise dies down, and updated Desktop version with a simplified interface.

  1. Iā€™d probably would have switched too Keep if Google provided a native Mac app, or at least a Desktop Safari extension.ā†©ļøŽ

Productivity Tool
June 28, 2016

I suffer from placebo effect with new productivity tools, but Tunnel Vision was noticeably useful today:

See your next available Trello tasks every time you open a new tab.

Currently only for Chrome, but a Safari beta is in the works.

June 23, 2016

Find your own quote

Iā€™ve been playing with the concepts of the five minute journal, and one of the elements is the daily inspirational quote. Of course I quickly went down a rabbit hole of automating a daily quote among the many available sites.

But for the next week Iā€™m going to try finding my own quotable thought from something Iā€™ve read.

Just one day into the exercise, I like where itā€™s taking me. It changes the way I skim articles during the day, and makes me more selective on what Iā€™m reading if I havenā€™t found todayā€™s quote.

With that said, hereā€™s the one for today:

[ā€¦] there are dot-com people and there are web people.

Megnutā€‰ā€”ā€‰Iā€™ve been thinking a lot

June 23, 2016

Whatā€™s my meta-theme?

Michael Pollan talked about his meta-theme or topic on a podcast with Alec Baldwin.

He mentioned realizing his arch-theme on all books was about humanā€™s relationship with nature.

Iā€™ve been thinking about this a lot since I heard it last week. My simplistic theme has always been about being geek. But thereā€™s more to it ā€” probably related to digital tools and how to use them efficiently.

Will struggle with it some more to get at something more coherent.

June 21, 2016

Sonos Lock-Screen and Now Playing support

Seems I joined just in time so wouldnā€™t have to wait for lock-screen and now playing to be introduced. Sonos iOS 6.3

With just a few days, the lack of easy play/pause/next from the iPhone screen was a bit uncomfortable. Never mind that it didnā€™t allow the Apple Watch to control the music1.

Todayā€™s update makes the muscle memory of going to the lock-screen or pulling up control center to act on music useful again.

  1. Not that it mattered, since the Pebble has a few apps for that. Iā€™m using ZP Controller without any issues.ā†©ļøŽ

Music Gadget
June 20, 2016

Abomination (352 pages) ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…

Abomination by Gary Whitta

Very surprised how much I enjoyed this book. Unlike Sci-Fi, fantasy is very hit-or-miss with me, but Abomination was a page turner.

I was skeptical about gruesomeness some mentioned on the reviews, but it played its part and didnā€™t distract from the story.

If you like fantasy and want a fun summer weekend read, you wonā€™t get bored with Abomination by Gary Whitta

fiction fantasy
June 19, 2016

Fatherā€™s day surprise: Sonos Play:1

Ana and Robie surprise me with a Sonos Play:1 todayā€¦ and boy does it sound great.

Sonos Play:1Sonos Play:1

Knowing the extremely picky tech buyer I am, Ana also made it clear that we can return it. Been playing with it all afternoon, it really is a well designed and great sounding speaker.

Will play with it a few weeks, but it sure looks like a new member of the family1.

  1. Overcast/Podcast support is the only obvious thing missing for me now, will see how big of a deal it is.ā†©ļøŽ

June 18, 2016

Gotta teach them while theyā€™re youngā€¦


We bended the rules a little and watched some TV during lunch today1.

  1. Tuesdayā€™s The Talk Show Live From WWDC 2016, With Phil Schiller and Craig Federighiā†©ļøŽ

Apple Podcast Snippet
June 17, 2016

Using the iPhone naked

This week I used my iPhone 6s naked. I obviously was feeling brave because my iPhone has AppleCare, but I still got some weird looks ā€” almost like I was practicing the other kind of nudity.

Up until my iPhone 5s Iā€™d never used and case on my iPhones. Part was school of thought (Jobs used his naked, so of courseā€¦), but I also didnā€™t like how it looked and felt on the devices.

After a year with the 5s, when I decided that I was not going to buy the iPhone 6 1, I followed Navā€™s steps and got a black Apple Leather Case. It looked really good, but also felt great.

A month later when I received my iPhone 6 ā€” donā€™t judge, Iā€™m weakā€” I immediately got a black leather case, which lasted into my iPhone 6s this year. I never considered not using a case, since the 6/6s are as slippery as an almost consumed bar of soap. When the leather case surface started feeling sticky, I switched to a silicone case, which had the same great fit but seemed more resistant.

Brett Terpstraā€™s post about the Lizzytape made me want to try it out (it arrives this weekend) but in the meantime; I wanted to compare the iPhone au natural before and after the tape.

I have to sayā€¦ while still slippery as hell, forcing myself to use the phone without a case is very nice. Itā€™s so much easier to get in and out of my pocket, and feels much more sleek in the hand. I also enjoy being able to reach the screen borders for easier gestures. It has made me use the 3D Touch of the left corner to switch apps much more natural than before.

However, if the Lizzytape doesnā€™t work out Iā€™m probably going back to a case. The 6/6s is just too easy to drop at any time. Iā€™ll update in a week.

  1. This lasted about two weeksā†©ļøŽ

Colophon iPhone
June 16, 2016

Given the reviews, it seems like the OnePlus 3 is the Android phone to recommend for the summer.

Looking forward to seeing one live, but it does look nice enough. The price is also extremely competitive at $399 with features that are comparable to the Galaxy S7 and HTC 10.

Every year after Google IO the curiosity to try an Android phone bites me, but I still donā€™t get the 5.5-inch screen sizes1.

But for any Android user thinking of upgrading, Iā€™d seriously consider the OnePlus 3. Specially after the disappointing Moto lineup this year.

  1. Even the iPhone 6s 4.7ā€™ā€™ screen feels too big sometimesā†©ļøŽ

Android Wishlist
June 15, 2016

Iā€™m starting to reap the benefits of journaling after a year of consistent1 writing. However, what really got me finally started was my failure to start a meditation habit.

I negotiated with myself that on the days that I didnā€™t meditate, I would at least write something on Day One. A few weeks later, a habit was born.

While mediation is still something I want to get into, I feel a daily entry covers a few of the same areas: introspection and reviewing the day.

If youā€™re restless at the end of the day; for whatever reason, I strongly suggest you drop a few lines somewhere. I garantee youā€™ll feel better.

  1. At least once a weekā†©ļøŽ

June 14, 2016

Helium: A floating browser window for video on macOS OS X

On the of the seven features demoed yesterday for macOS Sierra was Picture in Picture for videos. While this is a productivity catastrophe, itā€™s a cool feature.

If you donā€™t want to wait until October for this feature, give Helium a try. It works great with YouTube videos, by taking over the whole window.


Thereā€™s a life cycle for cool apps becoming (easier to use) features in the OS, this is one of those cases.

Mac App
June 13, 2016

5 word WWDC Keynote 2016 review

  • macOS: Old faithful still has it.

  • WatchOS: They realized it was broken.

  • tvOS: So sorry we are late.

  • iOS: The millennial is growing up.

June 12, 2016

WWDC 2016 Keynote wishlist

That time of the year again, when good boys and girls await to be told why our toys are better that everyone elseā€™s ā€” and if weā€™re luckyā€¦ we even get expensive new ones to buy!1.

Hereā€™s my wishlist for tomorrowā€™s event:


  • macOS 12: I like the rumored new name, OS Xā€Š/ā€ŠMac OS Xā€Š/ā€ŠMacOS Xā€Š/ā€Š10.12.x was always very geeky.
    • More Window Management options: Allow 3+ apps in fullscreen, and not only vertical tiles.
    • Spotlight: Siri integration.
    • Notes: Speed improvement and easier creation of notes ā€” let me add notes by dragging text jezz.
    • Photos: Bring more basic iPhoto functionality, especially automatically grouping by event.
    • iOS Apps: At least some easier path for iOS developers to brings their apps to the Mac.
  • iOS 10:
    • Siri for 3rd parties.
    • Useful lock-screen for TocuhID: figure out a flow where I donā€™t have to touch home button with nail if I just want to see recent notifications.
    • Customisable Control Center.
    • Keyboard: two simultaneous languages and new autocorrect UI.
    • Photos: Google Photos level search.
    • Stable 3rd party keyboard APIS.
    • No autocorrect for hardware keyboards.
  • watchOS 3:
    • Rethink the UI.
    • Custom watch-faces.
    • Less graphics, more speed.
    • Always on time.


  • MacBook Pro
    • Faster, thinner, lighter.
    • 13in with 16GB of memory and 512GB of storage for $1799
  • Siri Speakers
    • Great sound.
    • Modular: add additional speakers easily.
    • Apps: donā€™t have to AirPlay everything
    • Less than $200.

Likelihood of getting everything I want is very low, but wishing anything less wouldnā€™t be in the spirit of WWDC.

  1. And also tell everyone else why ours are betterā†©ļøŽ

Apple wishlist
June 11, 2016

On keeping a life GPA

Over the past few weeks Iā€™ve remembered something Martin Short mentioned on his book regarding keeping a score on all areas in your life.

He said that when his work wasnā€™t that great or fulfilling, he would work extra hard on his home life. The way youā€™d keep your GPA high even if your work grade was low.

Sometimes you have less control than youā€™d like on some areas in your life, but rather than affect all the rest it should give you the incentives to be able to concentrate on the ones you can accept.

Work right now is feeling somewhat repetitive and without a clear needle to move. But Iā€™m very happy with how Iā€™m able to share with Ana and Robie at home. Health wise, I feel good with my diet, just need to add some exercise to improve. And writing here gives a satisfaction that given the level of effort makes it a very cheap and easy way to get a good grade on an easy subject.

June 10, 2016

Movie: The Nice Guys

For our first night out since Robie 1, we went to the movies ā€” and Ana let me choose.

I absolutely loved The Nice Guys. It reminded me a lot of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, which is one of my favorite movies, so itā€™s in really good company.

For me, this is the sort of movie worth a ticket (and a babysitter now): itā€™s funny, smart and very well acted.

As any buddy movie it has some clichĆ©s, but theyā€™re not overused donā€™t feel forced.

Highly recommended.

  1. One day short of his six months, for any future patent reading thisā†©ļøŽ

Movies Review
June 9, 2016

Todayā€™s biggest tech news by far, Uber will soon allow book cars in advance. In my list of top 100 #firstworldproblems, scratch one and still 100 to go ā€” thereā€™s always another problem that gets added because, like, itā€™s literally the worst.

June 8, 2016

Two long articles today from Phil Schiller interviews about the upcoming Apple App Store policies.

This gives some much needed fresh air to developers. Subscriptions are clearly the way to go, and the ability of doing longer intervals (3-6 months) pegs this closer to a continued upgrade cycle.

The Search Ads donā€™t bother me much. I rarely explore the App Store via search, since I mostly rely on recommendations.

Also interesting is how this comes before the WWDC keynote next week. Could it be really be that full of announcements?

Apple Snippets
June 7, 2016

Dear new Nest CEO

I really wish your predecesor hadnā€™t bought Dropcam, but youā€™re right, lets not dwell in the past. Letā€™s have a quick chat about the present, and the current mess of features in the Nest Cam:

  1. Notifications per camera and not per account.
    We give access to Robieā€™s crib camera to the grandparents. They love it. They check every morning and afternoon. Your recent update to allow family members made this easier, but you still donā€™t allow to have different notifications. So if I setup to have a sound/movement alert go off, you drive our parents crazy1.

  2. Nest paid plans are by camera.
    $10 a month, for-each-camera. Hereā€™s the thing, Iā€™ve been pissed at this from the start because I read it wrong when we bought the Nest Cam. I thought it was for each accountā€¦ my bad. But please, make it $10 a month for 3 cameras and suddenly I have more incentives to buy more than 1. I know video storage is not cheap, but your parent company might know a bit about cloud stuff.

  3. No AppleTV app.
    Iā€™m not even going to whine about not having an Apple Watch app, but AppleTV? One big screen where I can see in HD all my cams? Who would want thatā€¦

  4. Flash only video on website.
    I have three letters for you: OMG.

Good luck, and I really hope Google Alphabet didnā€™t hire you to sell Nest, because then weā€™re really screwed.

  1. And now I get two notifications: one from your app, and one from a concerned grandparent.ā†©ļøŽ

Wishlist Gadget
June 6, 2016

MacBook Pro rumored OLED keyboard screen:


Iā€™m excited because I canā€™t really see the use-case for a dynamic keyboard, so Iā€™m expecting to be surprised. For me, looking down at the keyboard is an UI failure: either the keyboard shortcut assignment is not logical enough, or I canā€™t find the feature on-screen.

The simplest explanation is that itā€™ll be app aware keyboard shortcuts. Which seems like a cool-looking feature, but not that useful.

I really do hope it has nothing to do with the Dock or notifications. They would be a trying to do a hardware feature to fix a window management limitation ā€” an area where both Windows and ChromeOS have been more innovate than OSX in recent years.

Mac Rumors
June 5, 2016


OmniDiskSweeper is really great at what it does: showing you the files on your drive, in descending order by size, and letting you decide what to do with them. Delete away, but exercise caution.

I was helping a friend find where the space on her MacBook Air had gone, and realized I hadnā€™t recommended OmniDiskSweeper yet.

A previously paid App by The Omni Group now free. Still works perfectly, and is the best way to find whatā€™s eating up your space. Canā€™t recommend it enough.

June 4, 2016

Sacrifice it is not

A great hour and 23 minute napA great hour and 23 minute nap

Translation from DayOne entry earlier today:

With a son you better understand the concept of sacrifice. Iā€™d always automatically started a counter in my head when holding someone in an uncomfortable position. You rationalize your effort versus the need for whatever support the person needs and out comes a number: 30 seconds, 5 minutes, 20 minutes.

With Robie I just know that as long as Iā€™m able to do it, Iā€™ll hold him to make him comfortable. Itā€™s not a question of time, but of how much you can give.

My arm was numb for a while, but it was a glorious nap.

June 3, 2016

Siri on the spotlight

Thinking a bit more about bots, and the one place Iā€™d see myself taking advantage of them is via Spotlight. Imagine hitting cmd+space and writing so it reminds you to buy milk, or track a package, even order a pizza.

Sounds just like Siri. But since Iā€™m a child of the 80ā€™s, I want the interface to be via text.

Rumors say the next MacOS (macOS 11?) is going to have Siri for sure. I just hope voice is not the only way to interact with it ā€” that would make basically useless for me.

Mac AI
June 2, 2016

Bots, what are there good for?

Just realized that with all the talk about bots being the next big thing, I donā€™t use any.

I consider myself a very early adopter, is it then that Iā€™m an old geek and bots are my new Snapchat? Or am I a good proxy for services over promising and under delivering?

June 2, 2016

Twitter forever

Over the past week profiles and articles on Twitter are again asking the question about how Twitter is going to survive. The icing on the cake arrived with news today that Snapchat surpassed Twitter on daily users.

Thereā€™s no denying that Twitter growth has stalled. But unlike friendster, myspace, and even their own Vine, its importance hasnā€™t.

The problem is that importance without growth means little to Twitter stockholders. My argument is that you could apply the same logic to email.

Of course, email is a platform. But for me thatā€™s what Twitter should aspire to be. Just as Apple let go of the notion of the Mac beating Windows, Twitter has to accept that it wonā€™t catch-up Facebook.

Twitter needs to either take two steps backward and allow its stream to be the foundation of other apps, or move forward and invent the next app.

If they push to become a platform, some would argue that as soon as the services grew enough they would abandon Twitter ā€” but not even Facebook has been able to replace email as the communication tool of last resort.

The alternative requires them be way more aggressive and alienate current users. But in photos, videos, messaging and newsā€¦ they havenā€™t been really successful1.

  1. Live stream is an exception. Periscope is growing, but itā€™s also basically twitter for video.ā†©ļøŽ

Twitter Social
June 1, 2016

Title: A new Macbook Pro

As we wait for Mark Gurman1 to spoil the new MacBook Pro, the rumors are starting to pile. The latest shows an unibody frame with only four USB-C ports ā€” and a headphone jack. I agree with Marco that the MacBook Pro has a great track record: thereā€™s never been one I didnā€™t want ā€” just many that I couldnā€™t afford.

Still, with x86 speed improvements not being as exponential as before, I will seriously consider a current generation MBP vs the new one. My main requirement is disk size: I want/need 1 TB SSD2. A pimped out older model could be good value, especially if the newest one changes a lot.

All of the above is a rational plan, which Iā€™m required to share before I go bezerk when Apple tells me why I need the newest one.

Update: And we have an official date for my madness: June 13.

  1. Not clear where heā€™s going to spoil it, since heā€™s leaving 9to5mac.ā†©ļøŽ

  2. Robie is very photogenic, and his dad very trigger happy.ā†©ļøŽ

Colophon Apple Wishlist
May 31, 2016

On writing everyday ā€” in May

Managed to post something everyday this month. I started with post calendar, but after a week it again became a last minute sprint at the end of the day.

Last week I had decided that after todayā€™s post I was going to change strategy from posting everyday to writing everyday. Which would allow for some better quality, and a bit more developed ideas. But I changed my mind today.

I still donā€™t have a writing habit. Itā€™s only when I check the blog after posting that I get the endorphin rush. So Iā€™m going to try to keep the writing streak one more month.

This month Iā€™m go to try to do more commentary on the news. Basically striving to be a passable copycat of Seth Godin style1. Also will try to do more quick snippets posts ā€” which I visualize as anything that would have been a few tweets together.

In case, thanks for reading and hope you tag along a bit more.

  1. Which is appropriate, since it was his comments about blogging on the Tim Ferris podcast that made started me writing againā†©ļøŽ

May 30, 2016

On tracking poop and sleep

The exact moment I realized parenthood had arrived was when I celebrated a really dirty diaper. And I have to confess how genuinely happy and relieved I was1.

Weā€™re almost six months in with Robie, and tracking output and input have now taken second place to sleep time.

Tracking your babyā€™s business is important. At some point the tiredness and sleep depravation starts blurring the days together. If canā€™t rely on your memory to remember your computer password ā€” it happened ā€” for sure you wonā€™t remember if he ate 2 or 4 hours agoā€¦ much less what the last diaper theme was.

After trying a few apps, I can safely recommend BabyTime. It does three things really well:

  1. Clear and good UI:
    Thereā€™s many eyesores in the app store. BabyTime is actually good looking and useful in how it displays information and how you enter information.

  2. Sync:
    While the sync isnā€™t lightning fast, it works, and we havenā€™t had any lost data. Itā€™s very useful to be able to reliably see what your partner has tracked. I wish it allowed for handing off tasks ā€” right now only the device that started the tracking can end it, but its a workable limitation.

  3. Responsive developer:
    Thereā€™s a lot of baby apps in the store that are abandoned. A few weeks back I emailed the support email wondering if I could get an export of the data, and within a few hours I had a reply with the data attached.

At $2.99 itā€™s a steal compared to some other apps and devices we tried. And although the app hasnā€™t been updated in over a year, itā€™s still delivers the best experience imho.

  1. Given the tonnage of the deposit, maybe Robie was a bit more relieved than meā†©ļøŽ

Parenthood review
May 29, 2016

Hide visually triggering apps from your homescreen

Donā€™t know how I missed this post1 from January by Tristan Harris: Distracted in 2016? Reboot Your Phone with Mindfulness.

The whole article is really worth a read, but one section resonated with my empty content calories App diet:

As part of its generous employee perks and benefits, Google stocks its micro-kitchens with seductive snacks and candy so its employees can keep snacking during work. But they ran into a problem: employees found themselves eating more unhealthy snacks than they wanted.


They made two interventions:

  1. They put the candy into opaque, white porcelain jars with a lid (while putting alternatives like healthy fruit in see-through glass jars)
  2. They replaced the candyā€™s visual packaging with a neutral white placard and neutral font (e.g. ā€œPeanut M & Mā€™sā€ written in Comic Sans)


We can do the same for apps on our home screens. Colorful app icons (the blue Facebook [F], or yellow-orange Instagram camera) visually trigger us to unconsciously consume just like candy wrappers.

His recommendation is to place the visually triggering Apps on the second folder page of the second homescreen. I instantly saw the light with this idea. So Tweetbot, Reeder and Instagram are back on the phoneā€¦ but out of easy reach ā€” and it seems to be working.

I truly think digital dieting is going to be a thing in the upcoming years. Many tecnologies have been competing for attention during the last century (books, newspapers, home movies, videogames, etc), but the bandwidth was so limited ā€” and the costs so high ā€” that it was easy to not be overwhelmed. The smartphone changed everything, and now we have unlimited stimulation for a very low costs (paid in cash or advertisement viewing.

  1. It bubbled up to my attention thanks to Owen Williams Charged Newsletterā†©ļøŽ

Productivity Tips
May 28, 2016

Bossypants (283 pages)Bossypants (283 pages)

Bossypants by Tina Fey

As expected, this was a fun, quick book. The fact that itā€™s read by Tina Fey herself gives it an additional conversational tone.

I enjoyed the SNL and 30 Rock insider stories, and I had to bookmark a breastfeeding section to share with Ana. She laughed out laud with it.

Not a life-changing book, but a solid series of stories told by a successful, smart and very smart writer.

Audiobook Non-Fiction
May 27, 2016

New links page

Iā€™ve tried many ways to post links on the site. Here goes a new one: 5typos.net/links.

This is nothing more than a linkroll of the latest 25 Pinboard.in bookmarks I find interesting.

You can think of it as window into my procrastinating wanderings on the internet ā€” with a touch of whatever fixation Iā€™m into this week.

Links Colophon
May 26, 2016

Blendle: pay-per-article service is worth a look

I donā€™t know if Blendle is the future of magazines, but without a doubt itā€™s a future.

With todayā€™s release of the iOS app, the shortcomings of the mobile web version are gone. Not only that, the App shines on the iPad. Itā€™s fast, simple and very respectful of the print versions of the articles.

I added $10 to my account to see how much I can stretch it. Iā€™m a bit concerned that the cheapo in me will start counting pennies and be too selective when opening articles. But after just one day of using it, Iā€™m starting to value not seeing ads every other page ā€” even on paid apps 1.

  1. Iā€™m looking at you Economist Espresso.ā†©ļøŽ

Micropayment Publishing
May 25, 2016

Friction vs bankruptcy in productivity flow

Hello, my name is Roberto and Iā€™m a productivity appcoholic.

Thereā€™s no denying that I constantly hide procrastination behind switching tools so I have a semblance of getting something done that day.

That said, sometimes itā€™s ok to declare productivity bankruptcy and move on to a new setup.

Roles and tasks change, and allowing friction with changing tasks is a good way to prioritize and apply your bag of tricks to new problems. But sometimes the whole environment changes so much that is your bag of tricks that need changing.

This week I returned to an old friend: Omnifocus. The combination of Apple Reminders, Fantastical and Trello that had ruled my life for the first quarter of the year, stopped making sense.

My tasks have gradually changed over the past few weeks. With the new site launched 1, the intensity of the team sprints and scrumb planning have decreased. I donā€™t talk to developers every few hours, rather wait for weekly meetings or even send emails to them. The increased friction of keeping everything in Trello did not justify the time and effortā€‰ā€”ā€‰since thereā€™s minimal collaboration in the new ongoing tasks.

So itā€™s time for a change. Rather than clear big objectives, I now have many small tasks. Time to put the hammer away and bring out the drill with dozens of bits. Itā€™s whatā€™s needed to get the job done today.

  1. Now is a good time to invite your Latin friends to try AEROPOST.comā†©ļøŽ

May 24, 2016

Pebble Time 2

I need to finish my Pebble Time review, but the short version is that the Pebble Time is a better watch than the Apple Watch. And since the Apple Watch not at great smartwatch, then the Pebble pragmatically wins.

Or at least this is what I told myself when I preordered the Pebble Time 2 on Kickstarter today.

May 23, 2016

Archangel Comic

Just started Archangel by William Gibson. Itā€™s really good. May even go and buy the printed edition.

May 23, 2016

Thanks for nothing and everything

Earlier today my best friendā€™s parents had a sadly common Caracas scare: armed thugs entered the house to rob them; tied them up and proceed to threat them with guns to say where the items of value were hidden (not even thiefs want Venezuelan cash anymore).

Luckily, the police arrived quickly and the criminals escaped without a hostage situation.

Iā€™m now going to bed sad, because of how happy I was that they were both ok. Itā€™s not always the case.

Still, how buried underground the bar has to be, when you actually tell your friend that youā€™re grateful that ā€” other than his mom being freaked out and probably traumatized ā€” everyone is ok.

I worry of how far my standards have fallen. And Iā€™m in the relative near-mythical state of comfort in Miami. What other shitty kind of things are Venezuelans being grateful for everyday?

Venezuela Personal
May 22, 2016

Stickies: Best kept Mac secret app

Stickies Assemble!Stickies Assemble!

Three Stickies tips I use everyday:

  1. Create a sticky from any selected text with Cmd-Shift-Y
  2. Minimize them and arrange under Window > Arrange by. You can do Color, Content, Date, and my favorite: Location on Screen,
  3. You can make a sticky float on top of all windows with Cmd-Option-Y or under Notes in the menubar.

I have a few dozen apps that can do snippets, but somehow still nothing beats the speed and versatility of Stickies.

Productivity Mac Tips