May 3, 2024

Updated Coffee Setup: AeroPress Flow Control Filter Cap v2

I mentioned on the Coffee Daily Driver post that the Original AeroPress Flow Control Cap was Crap. But because I’m an optimist and a gadget freak, I ended getting thenewest version (model part 81C01), and it addresses all issues I had with the original:

  • There is a new rubber gasket inside that prevents leaks/explosions.
  • The sizing also seems to fit better on my transparent AeroPress.

Original and new Aeropress Cap vs Fellow PrismoOriginal and new Aeropress Cap vs Fellow Prismo

This is great as AeroPress is still my goto recommendation when someone asks about starting with coffee, I’m disappointed the company has no mention whatsoever that this is a newer model.1 While I still think the Fellow Prismo is a better product, new AeroPress Cap is easier to clean and $5 cheaper.

Quick tip on cleaning: I got this from reddit forever ago on regarding the Prismo, but works great on the new AP Cap: for an easier clean, twist/open the cap and pull the plunger slightly back. Suction will bull on the paper filter and make pushing both into the garbage easier in one motion.

  1. AeroPress does appear to send you the newer model if you contact support about the original though.↩︎