June 11, 2024

Michael Tsai on Window Tiling and Snapping in Sequoia

Michael J. Tsai, on mjtsai.com:

I’ve tested this a bit, and it seems great. I’ve never understood why Apple spent 20+ years working on Mission Control, Spaces, full screen, and Stage Manager—all while mostly neglecting regular window management. (They did add the hidden Move Window to Left/Right Side of Screen commands in the Window menu, which only appear if you hold down Option and which have no built-in keyboard shortcuts.)

I’m excited to try it. It wasn’t exactly what I wanted 1– but at least it’s one less app to install. And the implementation looks good.

It’s great to have these features built-in, but I will probably still use Moom because of its more advanced tiling features and ability to reposition windows when I connect and disconnect displays.

Same here. Well, at least until Sequoia is out.

  1. I’m still holding hope the Sequoia Beta’s will include improvements in Stage Manager↩︎


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